Monday, September 07, 2009


I was bumbling around Balboa Park on Saturday and right before I fell asleep under a big knotted tree I thought about what the other big knotted tree's story would be, the one that was across from me.

The image to the right is one from an artist called Bryan Yap. My tree was more knotted and hunched over... but his I found easily with google. So there we have it.

The Big Knotted Tree
by: Meaghan Maples

She spoke as twisty and cleverly as her syncopated wings and branches.
When the bells rang she sat still. Not like the squirrels.
They both had heard it every day.
And every hour for that matter.

She had but three virtuous friends.
Sebastian, Hannah and Dante.
Each of them had their vices but were always sure to bring sweet, expensive wine to the dinner parties.
Hannah and our Knotted Tree have made a point to never give explanations for the windy aesthetics of one another.

Sebastian and Dante sit on top and sing to her jazz standards in four part harmony.
She has a beautiful life.


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